Reading this made me so angry on your behalf! (for context, I'm a trans man).
Not only because of doctors' not 'caring to know' (really liked that language because it's spot on) about lifetime gynecological issues, but also because hysterectomy is NOT necessarily the big, bad invasive horror it used to be. (even if it was, just from the sound of what you've gone through, it might even be worth it in such a case!)
I actually pushed for and had a laproscpoic total hysterectomy at 24, while still female-presenting. It took a lot of research, phone tag, and letter writing (I used my heavy bleeding and sensory processing issues specifically as important leverage), but eventually I ended up with a respectful doctor and a grand total WEEK recovering.
Zero complications, five years later. They went in, unhooked the thing via tiny incisions, and pulled it out whole. My body settled things into the space nicely, and I went on with my life.
I understand that it could be more difficult with endometriosis, but I think the medical establishment NEEDS to get with the times and get with the tech on this.
'Reproductive potential' - the sexist fallback so they don't have to put effort into making hysts better - should no longer be an excuse.