I can assure you as a transgender man (and even an American one, where we have informed consent) that the practical and medical reality is far, far different from the general culture and hype.
You cannot just walk into the doctor's office and get hormones and surgery on a whim, and minors ABSOLUTELY cannot (and do not) do this. I acknowledge that the fear is understandable, though - medical transition is no trivial matter.
I think a lot of the reactiveness from us in the transgender community indeed comes from a place of deep fear - the same amount of deep fear that a parent would feel for a cis child who is not, in fact, transgender but might think they are for some reason or another.
Our fear is different, yet the same: if being transgender is morphed into an ideology, we who are legitimately transsexual (I do like to re-claim that word, to help clarify that this isn't inherently social) could lose access to lifesaving care.
And by lifesaving, I mean.... well, please read this, if you have time. It is the best way I can explain it: https://normvjulian.medium.com/out-of-the-gray-1af9c4378c9b
We need to stop fearing each other, and then openly talk through our fears, I suppose.